Sunday, September 15, 2013

Nonrational nonpropositional sentences

Duke Huan of Ch'i was reading a book at the upper end of the hall. A wheelwright was making a wheel at the lower end. Putting aside his mallet and chisel, the wheelwright called to the Duke and asked him what book he was reading. "One that records the words of the Sages," answered the Duke. "Are those sages alive?" asked the wheelwright. "Oh, no," said the Duke, "they are dead." "In that case," the wheelwright said, "what you are reading can be nothing but the lees and scum of bygone men." The Duke said: "How dare you, a wheelwright, find fault with the book I am reading. If you can explain your statement, I will let it pass. If not, you shall die." The wheelwright said: "Speaking as a wheelwright, I look at the matter in this way. When I am making a wheel, if my stroke is too slow, then it bites deep but is not steady. If my stroke is too fast, then it is steady but does not go deep. The right place, neither slow nor fast, cannot get into the hand unless it comes from the heart. It is a thing that cannot be put into words: there is an art in it that I cannot explain even to my son. That is why it is impossible for me to let him take over my work, and here I am at the age of seventy still making wheels. In my opinion it must have been the same with the men of old. All that was worth handing on, died with them; the rest they put into their books. That is why I said what you were reading was the lees and scum of bygone men." Chuang Tzu
Unless, of course, what the Sages passed down was not rational or propositional in nature, as is a treatise, lawbook or manual.

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